The revaluation of all commercial and industrial properties in the rating authority areas of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown, Clare, Donegal, Galway, Kerry and Mayo County Councils and Galway City Council has now reached the Valuation Certificate issue stage. On the 15th of September 2023, Valuation Certificates were issued to approximately 33,000 ratepayers in the above mentioned Local Authority areas.

Ratepayers who are satisfied with their valuation do not need to respond to the Valuation Team. Ratepayers who are dissatisfied with any material aspect of the Valuation Certificate may make an appeal to the Valuation Tribunal, who are an independent body from Tailte Éireann. The closing date for making an appeal is printed on each Valuation Certificate. Valuation Certificates will take effect from January 2024. For further information on Revaluation, follow the links below.