Zurich Bank change of name to Dunbar Assets Ireland

Zurich Bank change of name to Dunbar Assets Ireland – Legal Office Notice No. 1 of 2013

By Certificate of Incorporation on change of name, (No. 223695), registered in the Companies Registration Office on 14th December 2012, it is certified that by Special Resolution of the Company and with the approval of the Registrar of Companies, Zurich Bank changed its name and is now incorporated under the name Dunbar Assets Ireland.

The following procedures apply as and from 14th December 2012:

1. Discharges and vacates of charges in favour of Zurich Bank will be executed under the name Dunbar Assets Ireland

2. Charges dated on or after 14th December 2012 must be in the name of Dunbar Assets Ireland

3. Charges dated prior to 14th December 2012 that are created in the name of Zurich Bank, but lodged after that date, should be registered in the name of Dunbar Assets Ireland

4. On application by Dunbar Assets Ireland, in any particular case, it may be registered in substitution for Zurich Bank, as owner of individual charges, on payment of a fee of €40


Fergus Hayden

Deputy Registrar

3 January 2013