Form 17 – Application lodgement form

Form 17 Checklist

Important Information:  The pre-assigned dealing number will expire if the application is not lodged within 21 days.

We recommend that you use the online Form 17 on as the online version performs a number of checks, interacts with our database and assists you to complete the Form 17 correctly. 

Document Required – Form 17

Please adhere to the following steps when lodging an online Form 17 on

Re-lodge Rejected Application can be used to regenerate a previously rejected application. The newly created Form 17 and the previously rejected Form 17 must be included with the documentation when re-lodging an application for registration.

Folios tab – Ensure all Folio numbers are entered and verify the registered owner details that display on the screen.

Application Type tab – Select and add all application types contained in the application. Insert the Revenue e-stamp certificate number and consideration if appropriate.

Documents tab – Add all additional documents to be lodged in support of your application.

Lodging Party tab – The name of the account holder automatically displays as the ‘Lodging Party’. If you need to amend these details, select the ‘Choose an Address’ option and then select ‘Choose from the Solicitor List’. Type the first few letters of the name of the practice and then select the appropriate firm from the drop down list provided.

In Applicant Details tab please:

  • Do not type the address in upper case.
  • Do not use punctuation at the end of each line and
  • Do not use abbreviations such as St for Street or Co for County. The example below demonstrates the correct way to enter an address.

         1 Somewhere Street

         Somewhere Town

         County Waterford

The address stated on the Form 17 must be within the State and it will be used for registration on the Folio.

Charge Details tab – If a Charge is being lodged, please ensure that the correct lender is selected from our list of ‘Authorised Lending Institutions’. If the lender is not listed select ‘Other Lender’.

Confirm tab – Prior to confirming the form, use the preview screen to carefully review your application, including the calculated fee. You may then confirm the Form 17 once you are satisfied with the details inserted.

Application Fees can be lodged using a variety of electronic payment methods. Further details can be found on the website. 

You may then print off the Form 17 for signing and lodge it in connection with your Land Registry application documents. 

Please note the following

Any ambiguity throughout the documentation will have to be queried.  The effect of the deed should be clear and unambiguous.  Please also ensure consistency across the documentation in such things as the spelling of names and addresses, Folio numbers and property descriptions.  You may wish to pre-empt a query by explaining any discrepancies (e.g. maiden names/married names, etc.).