Aerial Imagery Maps and Data
Tailte Éireann - Surveying is the country’s most experienced and trusted supplier of aerial imagery and related products and services.
We have been flying and photographing the country for decades. We have built up an unparalleled body of experience in this area, and have amassed an archive of legacy imagery that show an ever-evolving landscape. For the professional engineer, planner or researcher, easy recognition of features adds an extra layer of understanding to your data, and helps your decision-making. Our Imagery fits seamlessly with all our digital products, and gives coast-to-coast coverage.
The imagery we provide to our customers is the same imagery we used in our database update processes for all our large-scale digital data. This ensures an unbroken chain of consistency between our aerial imagery and the highly detailed digital mapping that is used by professional engineers, planners, architects and builders all around the country.
We captured our imagery using our own aircraft flying out of Shannon and use our own dedicated aircraft, crews, people and processes. We are committed to updating our dataset regularly and we aim to re-fly and capture all areas of the state at least once every three years.
Because our imagery is orthorectified, it’s not just a photograph. Each pixel has an X,Y co-ordinate that represents its position on the earth surface so that accurate measurements can be taken from it. This means that not only is every object on the ground fully visualised, it also means that each of these objects is spatially correct and are measurable in relation to each other.
Our full 26-county coverage allows us to supply data in our most recent 25cm resolution. There are over 20,000 tiles of 2km imagery (orthorectified) available nationally for every corner of Ireland.
Series 1 imagery captured between 2013 and 2018 represents the most complete and accurate imagery dataset ever attempted in Ireland.
Series 2 imagery was captured between 2016 and 2019
Series 3 imagery was captured between 2017 and 2023
We commence our Series 4 image capture in early 2023
We have available 15cm resolution imagery for the greater Dublin area. Captured in 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2023 and processed to the highest quality, this represents our most accurate imagery to date. As well as the Dublin Metropolitan area, 15cm availability stretches as far as Ashbourne, Naas, Dunshaughlin, Maynooth and Bray.
Additionally we have an archive of national coverage high flown, low resolution imagery captured periodically since 1995 in 1m resolution and low flown, high resolution data captured since 2007 covering over 80 of the main cities and towns of Ireland.
We are an exclusive reseller in Ireland of DigitalGlobe™ Precision Aerial colour photography. This is available for 100% of the Irish State at 30cm2 resolution captured between July 2011 and Oct 2013.

Aerial Imagery Products
Aerial Imagery Maps:
A site-centred paper plot of your area of interest produced using aerial imagery from 15cm/25cm to 1m resolution from our orthorectified image database with the supporting marginalia of a traditional cartographic map. Extracts are available in either Landscape or Portrait orientation. Our A4 and A3-size Aerial Imagery maps are output as print-optimised PDF digital documents and are available to download for immediate printing. A2/A1/A0 size maps are professionally printed in-house, or through one of our agents, and shipped by post.
For further information or to purchase an Aerial imagery map visit our online store or contact .
Aerial Imagery Extracts:
We provides digitally scanned, orthorectified aerial photography of our various data series in raster data tiff format. These Imagery Extracts are of interest to professional users who wish to import our Orthophotography, or Aerial Imagery Data, into their own CAD/GIS environments for a range of additional uses in support of their own project workflows. They are available as set tiles for national and specific area of interests supplies and all imagery is compatible with all our other digital data products in ITM projection.
For further information or to purchase an Aerial Imagery Extract please contact